Minor Update - 0.0.4

Minor Update - 0.0.4

Apologies for the downtime of the game. I was trying to update it but it just wasn't loading properly. Solved it though. You should all see the "Enter your name" page when starting the game. If you see something along the lines of the fountain, please comment on the game post.

In this update, I have added two new books for the Cooking and History genres at the Library. Thirst, Sleep, and Fun Stats are now functional. The arrows that were at the top of the sidebar have now gone meaning you have to click links. There is no going backwards or forwards with arrows.

What's to come?

More focus on finishing the stats is currently my priority before I add anything more in. I'm hoping I'll be updating the rest of them by tomorrow night. Then I will focus on the grocer.



EarthLifeSimulator.zip Play in browser
Dec 07, 2021


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One thing because you delete the arrows in the top now are actions that you can't get out.  Examples: When you click inventory or when you try drinking water with 100 of thirst and if you go in the grocery store (I know you recently started creating the game and I understand if you think is a lot but I like searching bugs and incomplete stuff)

Hey Fire!
Sorry for the late reply.

Grocery Store you can now exit out of and I believe you can with the Inventory as well as well as the passage when you drink too much.
